
This document describes the content management API for the Euphorie. This API allows interface with the CMS component of an Euphorie system and can be used to implement manage backend accounts.



A country is the top level grouping item for survey content. There are different country types to indicate the EU membership status. A country contains zero or more sectors.


A sector is a national organisation for a single sector of industry.

API operations

Error responses

An error can occur for several reasons: bad data being passed to an API call, Euphorie encountering an internal error, a disk running out of space, etc. If this happens an error-response will be returned. These can be recognized by the type key being set to error.

        "type": "error",
        "message": "Required data missing",


Verb URI Description
POST /authenticate Authenticate a user.

In order to authenticate you must submit a JSON object with two keys:

  • login: the users login name
  • password: the users password

If authentication failed an error response is returned with status code 403. If authentication is succesful a JSON response is returned with an authentication token and basic information on the user:

    "token": "e1490672-4015-4572-a036-ba53c45e9509",
    "login": "security",
    "title": "UK security sector",
    "url": "",

The token should be supplied in an X-Euphorie-Token HTTP header for all requests that require authentication.

Country management

List countries

Verb URI Description
GET /countries List all defined countries.

Example response:

    "countries": [
                "id": "nl",
                "title": "The Netherlands",
                "country-type": "eu-member",
                "id": "be",
                "title": "Belgium",
                "country-type": "eu-member",

This call will return information on all defined countries.

Country information

Verb URI Description
GET /countries/<id> Request country information.
GET /countries/<id>?details Request country information including all sectors and country managers.

Example normal response:

        "type": "country",
        "id": "nl",
        "title": "The Netherlands",
        "country-type": "eu-member",

Example detail response:

        "type": "country",
        "id": "nl",
        "title": "The Netherlands",
        "country-type": "eu-member",
        "sectors": [
        "managers": [

The returned fields are:

Field Type Required  
type string Yes Always set to country.
id string Yes The country code. This must be the offical country code unless this is a generic region.
title string No The English title of the country. If not provided the name will be looked up based on the provided id.
country-type string Yes The country type.

The possible country types are:

  • eu-member: country is a full EU member state
  • candidate-eu: candidate member of the EU
  • potential-candidate-eu: potentital candidate member of the EU
  • efta: member of the European Free Trade Association
  • region: generic region, not an individual country

Note that even though a country has a title frontends are encouraged to use use locale-specific name for the country based on the id field.

Add a new country

Verb URI Description
POST /countries Add a new country.

The request body must be a JSON block specifying the new profile:

        "id": "nl",
        "title": "The Netherlands",
        "country-type": "eu-member",

This will return the country using the same format as the GET call.

Update country information

Verb URI Description
PUT /countries/<id> Update country information.

The request body must be a JSON block specifying the changed fields:

        "title": "The Netherlands",
        "country-type": "eu-member",

Updating the id field is not allowed.

Country managers

List country managers

Verb URI Description
GET /countries/<country id>/managers List all country managers

Example response:

        "managers": [
                "id": "steunpunt-rie",
                "title": "Steuntpunt RI&E",
                "email": "",
                "login": "steunpunt",
                "locked": false,

Country manager information

Verb URI Description
GET /countries/<country id>/managers/<id> Request manager information.

Example response:

        "type": "countrymanager",
        "id": "steunpunt-rie",
        "title": "Steuntpunt RI&E",
        "email": "",
        "login": "steunpunt",
        "locked": false,

The returned fields are:

Field Type Required  
type string Yes Always set to countrymanager.
id string Yes Identifier for the manager.
title string Yes The full name of the country manager.
email string Yes Contact email address.
login string Yes Login name for the account.
locked boolean No Indicates if the account is locked.

Add new country manager

Verb URI Description
POST /countries/<country id>/managers Add a new country manager.

The request body must be a JSON block with the necessary information:

        "title": "Steuntpunt RI&E",
        "email": "",
        "login": "steunpunt",
        "locked": false,

Please note that the id field can not be set manually: it will be generated automatically.

This will return the country manager information in the same format as returned by the GET call.

Update country manager information

Verb URI Description
PUT /countries/<country id>/managers/<id> Update country manager information.

The request body must be a JSON block with the data that should be updated:

        "locked": true,

Please note that the id and login fields can not be modified.

This will return the country manager information in the same format as returned by the GET call.

Delete country manager

Verb URI Description
DELETE /countries/<country id>/managers/<id> Delete a country manager.

Sector organisations

List sectors

Verb URI Description
GET /countries/<country id>/sectors List all sectors.

Example response:

        "sectors": [
                    "id": "security",
                    "title": "Security",
                    "login": "security",
                    "locked": false,

Sector information

Verb URI Description
GET /countries/<country id>/sectors/<id> Request sector information.

Example response:

        "type": "sector",
        "id": "security",
        "title": "Security",
        "login": "security",
        "locked": false,
        "contact": {
                "name": "John Smith",
                "email": "",

The returned fields are:

Field Type Required  
type string Yes Always set to sector.
id string Yes Identifier for the sector.
title string Yes The full name of the sector
login string Yes Login name for the account.
locked boolean No Indicates if the account is locked.
contact object Yes Object specifying a contact for the sector organisation. This must have the following keys: name and email.

Add new sector organisation

Verb URI Description
POST /countries/<country id>/sectors Add a new sector.

The request body must be a JSON block with the necessary information:

        "title": "Security",
        "login": "security",
        "locked": false,
        "contact": {
                "name": "John Smith",
                "email": "",

Please note that the id field can not be set manually: it will be generated automatically.

This will return the sector information in the same format as returned by the GET call.

Update sector information

Verb URI Description
PUT /countries/<country id>/sectors/<id> Update sector information.

The request body must be a JSON block with the data that should be updated:

        "locked": true,

Please note that the id and login fields can not be modified.

This will return the country manager information in the same format as returned by the GET call.

Delete sector organisation

Verb URI Description
DELETE /countries/<country id>/sectors/<id> Delete a sector.

API reference

Verb URI Description
POST /authenticate Authenticate a user.
GET /countries List all defined countries.
GET /countries/<id> Request country information.
GET /countries/<id>?details Request country information including all sectors and country managers.
POST /countries Add a new country.
PUT /countries/<id> Update country information.
GET /countries/<country id>/managers List all country managers
GET /countries/<country id>/managers/<id> Request manager information.
POST /countries/<country id>/managers Add a new country manager.
PUT /countries/<country id>/managers/<id> Update country manager information.
DELETE /countries/<country id>/managers/<id> Delete a country manager.
GET /countries/<country id>/sectors List all sectors.
GET /countries/<country id>/sectors/<id> Request sector information.
POST /countries/<country id>/sectors Add a new sector.
PUT /countries/<country id>/sectors/<id> Update sector information.
DELETE /countries/<country id>/sectors/<id> Delete a sector.